Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So here is something funny, I was trying on my witch costume for Halloween, and It was way too big, I thought about when I bought it, and it was after I had Lahna, i was pretty big then. Well anyways, I went through my costume box and I saw this snow white outfit, I laughed and thought, why not for fun, so I tried it on . just as a total JOKE. Well the Joke is definitely on ME. Because it so fits, with some room, The joke part, My mom made this for me when I was about 11 years old. WOW, I haven't gotten any taller at all. and it was a bit big then, she wanted me to be able to grow into it, I doubt she meant when I am almost 30. I fill it out better now than at 11 and at least the skirt is full to hide the bigger thighs and butt it's hiding. The only thing that is definitely tight is the elastic around the arms. I seriously can't believe I haven't gotten any taller since then. It still is several inches past my feet. I always knew I was short, but this is just plain funny.


Michelle Elena said...

Tiffany you look beautiful even though you haven't grown any taller

Bugg's mama said...

Oh, that's a great costume! Can your hub dress as Prince Charming and the kids, the lil' cute dwarfs?

wilsonfive said...

I tried to get my kids to dress as dwarfs, but they wouldn't go for it.

Michelle Elena said...

Hey Tiff
We Live in a town called Manteca, CA. Sam is a teacher over here. Keep on looking at my blog and you can catch up a little. Kaylee's birthday is coming up in about a week.
Later Michelle

Todd said...

what do you mean drama queen, oh and thats kinda of funny about the costume, but i'm sure i haven't grown a whole lot either

Those Crazy Allens said...

hehe my first thought was, "wow she looks 13." haha so funny too about trying to get your kids to be dwarves. haha